Why can’t you express yourself correctly?

3 min readDec 21, 2021

There are many things I have not done in my life and many people tell me I should do. Something that I am very fond of is talking to people and knowing them, engaging in deep conversations. I enjoy interacting, but the problem that I always used to come across was, why? Why can’t I express myself correctly?

On many occasions I came out as rude, awkward or of a different opinion. What I failed at, was making a connection. It was disappointing and purly, sad. This thing happened for a period of time and I did not know what to do. Later, I started considering myself as an introvert trying to cope with the situation.

Still, in the back of my head I pursue this question. Why can’t people express themselves correctly? A few days ago I found an answer. Don’t worry, I will not express it in 10 steps or 5 tips. Its not what people read everyday on the internet. Its just ‘one’ and the ‘only one’. It may not be easy to accept but is also undeniable at the same time.It’s “Courage.”

A lack of courage is the only reason why people can’t express themselves correctly. Not because they lack vocabulary or have less confidence or blah!Blah!!Blah!!

They want to be happy but don’t want to go through the pain to be happy. There is an old indian saying “All five fingers cannot be in the butter”. Which means that “everything cannot be the way you want”. We need to accept the actions of other people even though we don’t like it. We need to look inward before looking outward.

There is no secret, there is no shortcut. Just accept the world the way it is and work on yourself. Now that you know that, let me tell you that it’s not pretty advice for a mostly happy life. Actually, it’s a very mean way to behave, though, it’s all true.

It’s true that courage is what you need but it’s not for going into the real world and shouting whatever you want in the name of ‘expressing yourself correctly’. It’s great if you have courage, even better to make your life decisions based on that, but what’s not OK is extremism.You will not always be able to express yourself correctly, there will always be people with whom you will not be able to forge those connections. I know, you may be thinking I am going back on my words and I am, for some reason, that nothing in this world is absolute. Even the sun doesn’t shine in many parts of the world everyday. Your way of expressing is just your way of perceiving the world. And remember, it’s ugly beyond what your expectations but also beautiful above any other.

The fact that you are even reading this article means that you are insecure. Insecure about your expression whether it’s the way you talk or the way you write. I am too. That’s why I started writing this but what I discovered through this process, is that it’s fine. I can say what I want, maybe not the way I want to but tell me someone who can. Can anyone? Maybe a few of the top authors. But most people are flawed and it’s normal not to be the best.

The fact that I am part of the crowd makes me feel better and I hope reading this article would have made you feel better as well. But do not forget, making you feel better does not change anything, but accepting it and moving on will. Be Smart, Be safe.

